Wednesday, September 25, 2013

You need an Olivia update

A Regular Update

An Olivia Update

On my last post I was in my awesome teacher's Mrs. Maubach's class. Now I'm in fourth grade! I'm so excited! I have a computer, I know awesome! Wait, I need a minute. Hem, hem, hem, hem. (Quoted from Professer Umbridge from Harry Potter)

Anyway, fourth grade is going great! I got my best friend, great teacher! Yeah, I love fourth grade. (3rd was better)
Olivia Maren
Liv Maren

This is what you call a real apology

I"m sorry I haven't posted in a while so here's a little treat or two:

I owe an apology to you all,
And I know that it's almost fall,
I want to post,
And skip my dinner (pot roast),
But please don't give me a call.

Be A Perfect Person In Just 3 Days!

Be a perfect person. I'm not sure I like the sound of that. Everyone would always fuss over me. Eh, this kinda thing can get tragic. I might even have to do something weird. Find out in BE A PERFECT PERSON IN JUST THREE DAYS!